Custom Tarot Reading

Beige Spiritual Astrological Tarot Card (1).png
Beige Spiritual Astrological Tarot Card (1).png

Custom Tarot Reading


Often times one cannot decide what category of question they may have to ask. Here is the perfect option to receive a Tarot Reading when you simply have a question or two that you would like your cards to provide an answer for.

Simply provide your name, email, and the question(s) you may have in the form during checkout.

What You Will Receive


* You may expect to receive a message with images of the card(s) chosen for your reading.

* A detailed description of each individual Tarot card and how it connects with you.

* An Oracle Card as well as a Crystal Card Reading.

* A summary paragraph that ties all of the information together so you may have more insight to the answers you seek.

When Can You Expect Your Reading?



Same Day as an order is placed.

I will complete readings based upon the order they are received.

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